Only People Who Earn A Lot of Money are Successful

Only people who earn a lot of money are successful
If there is someone or there are many people tell me that only people who earn a lot of money are successful, I will do disagree with their statement. Although I’ll be angry because their statement can make the others (do not have much money) give up to reach their dreams.
Not only in this era but also in the past, there are many facts can prove that not only people who earn a lot of money but there are many people who don’t have a lot of money can be successful. There are many people from the reach family are jobless, because they just want to be fun in their life and there are many people from the law or middle economy can be successful. Such as one of my president.
We will be successful or no in the future, not depend of money but because what you do today.

There are many ways to be success, such as work hard, never give up, have a good management, discipline, keep spirit, be patient and of course pray to God. Even thought the people have much money but don’t have a good spirit, never work hard and pray to God, I believe they will not be successful.
It can’t be denied that money is important thing but we have to emphasize that anything needs money but money is not anything.
I think it’s not the real success if you just get your success by money. Like pay someone to get job or have certificate to practice a profession. It’s not good things for you. You can’t stand in your job because you didn’t get your job because of your ability but just by money.
